2015-01-15 16:25 作者:吉林新东方 陈思佳 来源:新东方网 字号:T|T
More and more companies are allowing employees to work at home.
Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
In modern times, the staffs are allowed to work at home in an increasing amount of companies. However, this policy has both positive and negative impacts.
In modern times with rapidly-developing technology in communications, the staffs are allowed to work at home in an increasing amount of companies. However, this policy has both positive and negative impacts.(31)
The obvious argument in its favor is that to work at home gives more freedom to the employees. They can work whenever they want, and wherever they like. Therefore, they can make their work efficiency faster, even have better working quality. Thus, to work at home can bring better work quality for the company, also can make the staffs have a good enough break.
The obvious argument in its favor is that to work at home gives employees much more freedom than working in an office. They can work whenever they want, and wherever they like, which may mean a higher working efficiency and even a better working quality. This contributes a lot not only to a company in making profits, but also to its employees in enjoying enough breaks or improving their satisfaction with the job.(74)
Nevertheless, to work at home is not easy to manage the employees. The employees work at home, and the managers cannot supervise their working condition. In addition, some emergency or issues cannot be solved immediately. Along with some staffs not working attentively, it is difficult for the managers to know that. Besides, working at home can really waste time, which means that not all the people are working with devotion while there are indeed some persons who work with half-minded. Therefore, to work at home is to give them time to enjoy, while when they realize that the deadline of their work is coming, they will not pay much more attention to them, just finishing it without any care. Thus, the quality of work will dramatically go down, which will bring the company bad influences.
Nevertheless, to work at home is not easy to for a corporation to manage the employees who work at home, because the managers cannot supervise their working condition and progress. In addition, some emergency or issues cannot be solved immediately. Along with some staffs not working attentively, it is difficult for the managers to realize/notice the situation. Besides, working at home can really waste time, given that not all the people are working with devotion while there are indeed some persons who work with only half-minded. In other words, to work at home is to give them time to enjoy what is out of work, while when they realize the coming deadline, they will not pay much more attention to dealing with work, just finishing it without any care. Thus, the quality of work will dramatically go down, which will bring the company bad influences.(123)
From my point of view, to work at home will impact the companies in negative way, therefore, to work in the company is more suitable for the employees.
From my personal point of view, to work at home will impact the companies in a more negative way. Therefore, to work in the office space is more suitable for both the firms and the employees.
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