2015-04-28 11:31 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
§ 在分类题中,一般有三个类别(我们可以称之为甲、乙、丙)以及一些项目,要求是将这些项目分别归入这三个类别之中。在文章中,一般会讲述两种不同的事物,我们姑且称它们为A和B. 类别甲中归入与A类事物有关的项目,类别乙中归入与B类事物有关的项目,而类别丙中归入与A和B都有关的项目。
§ 在文章中,作者会对A和B 两类事物进行分别探讨和互相比较,因此我们在阅读时就必须注意作者在谈论和比较A和B 的时候是否提到这些项目,并把这些项目归入到适当的类别中去。一般来说,作者会在不同的段落中讲述A和B 两类事物,不过有时A和B 会在同一段落中被提到,因为作者要把它们作一个详细的比较。
T: Desktop publishing
3 The first stage in the old method of preparing INFO was the gathering together of all text, photographs and graphics which would make up the bulk of the magazine. The next step was marking the text for the printer---a rather laborious, and occasionally hit-and-miss affair! In essence, this meant judging the approximate length of the articles and choosing appropriate print sizes and styles (fonts). The appropriately marked pages were then sent to the printer for type-setting. The end-product of this type-setting phase is called a galley and takes the form of continuous columns on long sheets of paper.
4 At this stage the fun begins! All the columns of text have to be cut and manually pasted onto sheets of paper marked out in columns, to give the layout for each page of the magazine. If one had misjudged the length of text at the type-setting phase, then screams of agony would mingle the pervading smell of glue in the editorial offices as a very stressed editor wrangles bits of text and photographs. The flexibility of this old system was very limited, page layout was largely pre-determined and type-setting errors meant long and time-consuming proof-reading, both at the galley stage and at the final page proof stage. An additional problem with the old method is the length of time between the copy date (stage 1) and the publication of the magazine (about six weeks for INFO).
5 Desktop publishing made our life a lot easier. Now with our new system, we first type the text of the article on an ordinary word-processing package (MultiMate Advantage II is used but any other package is usable) or we ask our contributors to send us their article on a disk, typed with almost any word processor on an IBM or compatible PC computer. The second stage is to design the page frame, i.e. size, number of columns and margins. We then place the text in the page with an easy command called “Autoflow”.
6 The third stage is the design of the layout: placing illustrations and choosing the most suitable typeface. At the last stage, we print the articles on the laser printer and pass them on to colleagues to be proof-read. After making all corrections, the files containing our next INFO are copied on to a disk and sent to our printers for publication.
Q: Below are headings showing the sages involved in printing any document. According to the
information in the passage:
write T if the stage is necessary in traditional printing;
write D if the stage is necessary with desktop publishing;
write TD if the stage is necessary in both methods.
I1 gathering input
I2 designing page frame
I3 marking text
I4 type-setting
I5 page design
I6 cutting and pasting
I7 proof-reading
解题:这里选取的是文章的第三到第六段,其中三、四两段谈论traditional printing(T),而五、六两段探讨desktop publishing(D)。在traditional printing中,首先是the gathering together of all text, photographs and graphics,其次是marking the text for theprinter,再其次then sent to the printer for type-setting,然后是have to be cut and manually pasted onto sheets of paper marked out in columns, to give the layout for each page of the magazine,最后是long and time-consuming proof-reading;而在desktop publishing中,首先是ask our contributors to send us their article on a disk,其次是design the page frame,然后是the design of the layout,最后we print the articles on the laser printer and pass them on to colleagues to be proof-read. 根据这些列出的两种印刷方法的各个步骤,我们可以准确地将上述的项目进行归类:I1 gathering input --- TD;I2 designing page frame --- D;I3 marking text --- T;I4 type-setting --- T;I5 page design --- TD;I6 cutting and pasting --- T;I7 proof-reading --- TD.
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