2015-01-15 16:27 作者:北京新东方 和鼎昌 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
11.Riverside village was a good place to start an industry because it had water, raw materials and fuels such as ________ and ________.
12.The metal industry was established at Riverside Village by _______ who lived in the area.
13.There were over _______ water-powered mills in the area in the eighteenth century.
我们都知道,在题目对应的听力录音正式开始之前会有一小段的读题时间。如何利用好这段时间,从已知的题干中推断出尽可能多的信息,是我们做出这类题目的关键所在。第11题,两个空之前的词为‘fuels such as’,意即“燃料,例如:“那么很明显这两个空上应该填具体的燃料名称,而我们常见的燃料不外乎以下几种:木头(wood),煤(coal),油(oil)和天然气(gas)。第12题,题目为一个被动句。在这种情况下,听力原文很可能会是主动句,即通过句式变换的形式来出题。如此一来,我们就要小心空上所填的内容反而出现在句首。第13题,翻译过来就是:在18世纪,在这个地区有超过_____的水力磨坊。很明显,空上应该填一个数字。
And it was because of this fast-flowing water that this site was a natural place for manufacturing works. The water and the availability of raw materials in the area, like minerals and iron ore, and also the abundance of local fuels, like coal and firewood, all made this site suitable for industry from a very early time.
Water was the main source of power or the early industries and some of the water wheels were first established in the twelfth century, would you believe? At that time, local craftsmenfirst built an iron forge just behind the village here, on the bend in the river. By the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the region's revers supported more than a hundred and sixty water mils - and many of these continued to operate well into the nineteenth century.
上文高亮部分即为答案,11题将such as替换成了like以增加难度,答案中的firewood有些超出预料,但根据所听内容,应该可以很容易的写出这个单词。12题的听力原文果然为一个主动句,注意主语就好。13题将听到的数字写出就行,需要注意不要将160写成了116。
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