2015-02-06 16:33 作者:新东方 滕达 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
Some people prefer to collect old things, others prefer to throw things away after they’re done with them. Which do you prefer to do? 有些人喜欢保留旧东西,其他人选择在用过之后将它们扔掉,你的偏好是什么?
I usually throw things away after I’m done using them. First, I live in a very small apartment. I have very limited storage space, I can’t keep everything because there’s simply no room for them. Some of my friends like keeping things, they rent self-storage space to keep all their belongings. I don’t think it’s a smart move. Basically they’re paying for things they don’t want to throw away to become trash. My parents do it too. They put things in drawers and closets and keep them there for years without ever touching or using them again. I would just give them to someone else or throw them away.
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