2015-02-09 14:35 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
“群体的智慧”已变成了一个现代陈词滥调。它也是一种奇怪的说法——那些参加纽伦堡党代会(NurembergRallies,1923至1938年期间纳粹党一年一度的集会——译者注)的人、“雅各宾专政”(Reign of Terror)时期那些在囚车旁欢呼的人,都根本毫无判断力。
许多形容词可能都适用于描述一群聚集在一起、为“亲爱的领袖”金正恩(Kim Jong Un)鼓掌或是为切尔西足球俱乐部(Chelsea Football Club)欢呼的人,但“有判断力”绝非其中之一。任何未参加过这些活动的人都必须问自己一个问题:为何这么多和我们如此相像的人会有那样的表现?他们究竟在想什么?
There is considerable research on the factors that influence the behaviour of crowds. Weexperience a need to affirm group or tribal identities — a fact that is often exploited byunscrupulous or mentally unbalanced leaders. Groups of people with similar opinions reinforceeach other’s positions, encouraging one another to adopt ever moreextreme views. The answerto the question “what were they thinking?” is that, mostly, they were not thinking at all. That isoften the nature of social behaviour.
So how did the phrase “wisdom of crowds” come into being? It is an expression of themathematical property that an average of many independent estimates of the same variablehas a lower expected error than the individual estimates themselves. That was the context ofthe example which James Surowecki used to introduce the idea in his widely read book of thesame name, citing the distinguished mathematician Francis Galton’s observations at an oxweighing competition (actually, Galton was concerned with the median rather than the meanestimate, but let that technical detail pass).
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