2015-02-09 15:44 作者: 来源:新东方网整理 字号:T|T
Wall Street has undergone a radical face lift this year, but finance industry recruiters are expected to stick to roughly the same formula when looking to fill entry-level positions with college graduates in the future.
Wealth management, investment banking and research are expected to see a hiring surge in the coming years, according to Joseph Logan, founder and managing director of Pinnacle Group International, a New York executive recruiting firm specializing in the financial services industry.
Pinnacle Group International的创始人兼董事总经理约瑟夫 洛根(Joseph Logan)表示,财富管理、投资银行和研究领域有望在未来几年掀起招聘热潮。Pinnacle Group International是纽约一家专业服务于金融服务业的高管猎头公司。
'A strong background in accounting plus financial [knowledge in] evaluation is the key-and being well-rounded will help a lot,' says David Smith, an associate professor at the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia who specializes in corporate finance and banking. Strong social skills and the ability to think creatively are important to round out more technical and quantitative talents.
“会计和财务估值方面的过硬背景是应聘成功的关键,知识全面也会大有帮助,”弗吉尼亚大学(University of Virginia)麦金太尔商学院(McIntire School of Commerce)专门从事企业财务和银行业研究的副教授史密斯(David Smith)表示。出色的社交技能和创新思维能力对于那些偏重技术性和数理方面的人才来说是个重要的补充。
Mr. Smith, who helps prepare students for finance job interviews, advises the students who want to head to Wall Street to eschew finance fads like the current demand in restructuring or credit derivatives which were hot two years ago and focus on becoming fluent in accounting and financial evaluation fundamentals that are applicable to any specialty. As the economy recovers more traditional financial services functions, such as mergers and acquisitions advisory will make a comeback, according to Mr. Smith .
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