
救命宝典 | 四级考前急救包,快来领(文末福利)







  话题作文是近年来四级考试的热点考察类型,比如16年12月,17年12月,18年6月, 18年12月以及刚刚过去的20年的6月,考察的都是话题作文。因为竞争合作,团结互助以及校园生活等都是当今社会的热点话题,我们相信四级作文会围绕这些话题展开。

一. 话题作文介绍


二. 写作结构




三. 必备表达


  Recently, 话题 has become a hot topic for discussion, which has attracted wide attention from the general public.


观点句. (This opinion can be well supported by the following reasons.)举例子:Apart from the reasons mentioned above, sb.’ experiences, serving as an excellent example, can also support this point of view. But for ------, he/she would have never done sth.


Based on what has been discussed above, such a conclusion can be drawn that it is necessary for sb. to do sth. Only in this way can主语+谓语四. 文章预测For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on cooperation and competition . You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Recently, cooperation and competition has become a hot topic for discussion, which has attracted wide attention from the general public.My thought is that coopearationa and competition plays an essential role in people's life. This opinion can be well supported by the following reasons. To begin with, cooperation and competition, one of the most precious virtues one may possess, can enable people to make more friends, thereby enlarging their social circle. In addition, it can also provide individuals with spiritual comfort, undoubtedly benefiting people's mental health. Apart from the reasons mentioned above, Lin Dan and Li Zongwei's experiences, serving as an excellent example, can also support this point of view. But for cooperation and competition, they would never have become so well-known badminton players in the world.Based on what has been discussed above, such a conclusion can be drawn that it is necessary for people cooperate and compete with each other. Only in this way can they harvest more friendships and a peaceful inner world.





  中英双语主持,CATTI 口译证书


【四级图画作文预测】近年四级考试对于图画作文的考察与其他的类型作文而言相对低频,在近十年的真题中,共考察过3次,分别是2016年6月和12月、2015年6月, 虽然这些年未考,但是不代表不考,所以我们还是要做好全面的准备。从历年考试的内容上来看,主要考察的方向是贴近生活的热点话题。图画作文介绍要求考生首先对所给出的漫画或图画进行描述,然后就画面所反映的现象提出观点并进行评论。1.写作结构








Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on this kind of modern life. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

范文:As is starkly mirrored in this sarcastic image that people,nowadays,depend on smartphone,even implying we are entering a phone era.  Simple as the picture is, the meaning is as deep as the ocean.Digging into it,my comments with respect to this modern life on playing smartphone overtime can be listed as follows. For one thing, there is no doubt that it makes it impossible for us to enjoy a good sight if we are addicted to playing smartphone. For another, it is apparent that playing smartphone unduly fails to own a healthy habit, which may lead you to lack of face-to-face communication with each other.Considering every aspect of this phenomenon, I, as most of the others, will safely draw a conclusion that it is of great necessity for us to apply electronic equipment reasonably. In this way, a healthy lifestyle will be no question of “if” but “when”.










     第三段:展望未来或提出方法建议三、必备表达上升增加:rise/ climb/ increase/ ascend/ mount下降减少:fall/ drop/ decrease/ descend/ decline保持平稳:stay/ keep/ remain stable波动:fluctuate达到顶峰:peak/reach the summit轻微:gradually/ smoothly/ steadily/ slightly陡然:dramatically/ sharply/ considerably


The chart illustrates the changes of the number of Chinese learners around the world (China excluded). According to the figures given in the graph, we may conclude that there was a slight increase from 30 million to 40 million for the number of learners from 2005 to 2007 while the number of learners from 2007 to 2014 dramatically climbed from 40 million to 100 million.Two driving factors contributing to the phenomenon above could be summarized as follows. For one thing, it is closely related to the support of Chinese government. A series of relevant rules and regulations have been drawn up, thereby enabling resources and opportunities for foreign Chinese-learners to expand rapidly make remarkable progress thrive and prosper. For another, it has a lot to do with the shift of people’s awareness. A growing number of foreigners —— particularly those interested in Chinese culture —— pay more attention to learning Chinese, as it is of significant importance to them when they feel it necessary to enrich their knowledge, broaden their horizons and accomplish themselves.On the basis of the analyses made above, we may draw a conclusion that with society further developing, this phenomenon is bound to continue for a few years. To the best of my knowledge, it is positive and therefore should be stimulated, for only in this way can we not only boost our cultural confidence but also contribute to international cultural integration.






       二、写作结构Dear XXX,第一段:进行自我介绍,阐明写信目的。第二段:针对题目提出的要求,就事儿论事儿提出相应对策。第三段:针对全篇进行收尾,寒暄。 Yours sincerely, ZZZ三、必备表达

       1、第一段常用表达I am ZZZ, writing this letter for the purpose of doing sth.


    (1)It is+adj/done+that+完整句子例:It is recommended that you had better pay a visit to Peking University before you make up your mind, and I am sure that you will be attracted by its academic atmosphere.

    (2)which非限定从例:There are plenty of resources and courses provided in this university, which would be beneficial for your study.

    (3)序数词First of all,…      In addition,…       Last but not least,…For one thing,…   For another,…


Thanks for your attention.I am looking forward to your reply.

      四、文章预测Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to the newly enrolled international students in your university who tend to have a better understanding of China. Please introduce some traditional Chinese festivals. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

例文:Dear Students,I am Li Ming, a member of the Students' Union, writing the letter to tell you something about the crucial festivals in China.Details are as follows. First of all, I would like to introduce the most significant one——the Spring Festival. During this festival characterized by firecrackers, dumplings and luck money, families would give the best wishes to each other while enjoying the reunion. In addition, another festival representing reunion in China is the Mid-autumn Festival, during which the whole family would admire the full moon, as well as tasting delicious moon cakes. Last but not least, in my opinion, it is also necessary for you to have a general idea of some other festivals, such as the Dragon Boat Festival and the Double Ninth Festival, since all festivals in China symbolize unique history and culture, which may provide you with a chance to have a better understanding of the nation and people who live here.Thanks for your attention, and may you enjoy your campus life here!   Yours sincerely, Li Ming


2020-09-17 09:10





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