
托福写作范文-Is the ability to write well more important than that of speaking



Is the ability to write well more important than that of speaking?

对题目的背景介绍Taking a panoramic view of human history, the most prominent figures in the past who have  stood the test of the time demonstrate strong competence in both writing and speaking. For instance, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln,  and even female politicians like Mrs. Thatcher, not only have they showed their talent in writing, but also showcased their intriguing personality when making public speeches. When it comes to the question of whether writing ability is more decisive than speaking genius, people varying in education backgrounds and professions tend to have distinctive views. 亮出自己的观点However, I am in favor of the statement that speaking competence is way essential than writing capability.

第一个论证段In the first instance, people who are very talented in writing skills might not have the opportunity to demonstrate their talent and win the publicity among a larger audience, on the other hand, eloquent individuals can spread their charisma more intuitively and are able to secure a much more well-known popularity. 以林肯的葛底斯堡演讲为例For instance, according to prestigious historians, the most famous Gettysburg address delivered by President Lincoln was written by an anonymous staff member, who never even had the chance to make the people remember his name. It is Abraham Lincoln who is given the enormous credit precisely because of his superb public speech skills, and the  Gettysburg address is remembered by not only the Americans but also the hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Notwithstanding the excellent choice of words and beautiful writing styles showcased by the writer, it was Lincoln who stole the spotlight and won tremendous public acclaim.

第二个论证段Additionally, lots of high paid professions value the importance of public speaking skills rather than writing ability. Lawyers, salespeople, politicians and even professors are very good cases in point. 分别以律师、销售员、教授、政治家举例子说明演讲能力的重要性A lawyer has to demonstrate his or her persuasiveness in order to win the sympathy of the jury and the favor of the judge. They have to show their empathy, which cannot be fulfilled without excellent speaking skills. A salesperson, who hesitates when speaking and barely delivers his or her idea  clearly in front of a large audience  cannot close a business deal with their clients. A professor without first class public presentation proficiency cannot win the trust and faith of the scholars in his or her field. A politician who stutters and mumbles when promoting his economic and foreign policies alike will not stand a chance to have the slightest support from his or her constituents.

总结陈词,总结自己的观点和两个例证All in all, with the above careful analysis of the significance of speaking and writing, we can tell that people with strong capability in speaking enjoy more opportunities to promote and publicize oneself, and people who lack of such ability will obviously fail to achieve that. Also, most of the high-end professions require people to have first class speaking proficiency instead of writing skills, and people who do have excellent speaking talent will secure more opportunities to get promoted and foresee a bright future.  


2015-07-31 09:50





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