Suppose your university allows students to open a cafe on campus. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of such a policy.
Well, the benefit of allowing students to open a cafe is that students will have a great place to study. They can read a book, or bring their laptop computers or work on a paper for a class. A cafe is a place where students can concentrate on their work and hang out with friends. The disadvantage is that students who plan to open the cafe will be under lots of pressure since they need to design the cafe, hire employees and spend lots of time to operate the cafe. Plus, they have other important commitment, namely, their study. Thus, they might be overwhelmed.
2. Some believe that people should learn math while they are students while others argue that it is better to learn math when they are working. Which one do you prefer and why?
Well, I would say it is better for students to start learning math early in school. In a math class, students can develop basic math skill. They’ll learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. This skills can lay a solid foundation for students’ future study. Any science and engineering subjects are closely related to math, without certain math skills students cannot choose to study STEM majors. Also, learning math is a good way to develop both critical and logic thinking skills. Both of these skills are essential for people.
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