1. Production Possibility Curve
Production Possibility Curve 作为经济学学到的第一个图表,它阐述了生产过程中面临资源稀缺时人们的选择,各种组合能够产生不同的结果。是AS考试中必考的图表题,复习中应注意如下知识要点,查漏补缺:
重要知识点: Productive Efficiency – Any point on the lineAllocative Efficiency – Choosing between two points Eg. EàAUnemployed Resources - Any point inside the curve Eg. XUnobtainable – Any point outside the curve Eg. YBliss Points – Where the curve starts or ends Eg. 6 Computers or 21 Bicycles Economic Growth – Change in the productive potential of an economyProductive Potential – The maximum output that an economy is capable of producing真题演练:
2. Consumer surplus and Producer Surplus
这两个Surplus 的定义和在图表里的表达方式一定要搞懂,选择题百分百考点。重要知识点: Consumer Surplus – The extra amount that a consumer is willing to pay for a product above the price that is actually paidProducer Surplus – The difference between the price a producer is willing to accept and what is actually paid
3 . Demand & Supply
需求和供给,整个经济学中的两大顶梁柱,从这两个延伸出去的概念数不胜数。要能够理解 Demand & Supply 的图像, 根据图像分析考点要考察的内容。重要知识点: Demand – The quantity of a product that consumers are able and willing to purchase at various prices over a period of timeMovement Along The Demand Curve – This is in response to a change in the price of a productChange In Demand – This is where a change in a non-price leads to an increase or decrease in demand for a productSupply – The quantity of a product that produces are willing and able to provide at different market prices over a period of timeChange In Supply – Occurs when a change in a non-price influence leads to an increase or decrease in the willingness of a producer to supply a product 真题演练:
4. Elasticity
弹性的定义,公式。往往会直接考察计算。公式也要掌握清楚!重要知识点:Elasticity:• Is a numerical estimate• Measures the response to a change in price or to a change in any other factors that determine the demand or supply of a productPrice Elasticity (PED) Price Elasticity of Demand (PED) Formula
5. Market Failure and Government Intervention
市场失效,市场失效的原因,为什么政府要介入市场?政府介入的形式有哪些?什么是外在性?官方教材里专门有一章节是这方面的内容,重要性非常高重要知识点:Market Failure – When the free market fails to achieve allocative efficiencyGovernment Failure – Government failure is a situation where government intervention in the economy to correct a market failure creates inefficiency and leads to a misallocation of scarce resources. 真题演练:
6. Aggregate Demand & Aggregate Supply
宏观经济中的 Demand & Supply 与微观经济中有着不同的表现形式,注意区别和知识点的异同。宏观部分相关知识更多,注意其中关联和不同。 重要知识点:Aggregate Demand Formula:AD = Aggregate DemandC = Consumption / Consumer Expenditure I = InvestmentG = Government ExpenditureX = ExportsM = ImportsAD = C + I + G + (X – M)
Aggregate Supply – The total amount that producers in an economy are willing and able to supply at a given price level in a given time periodProductivity – Output, or production, of a good or service per worker per unit of a factor of production in a given time periodPrivatization – Transfer of assets from the public to the private sector
7.Government Economic Policy Objectives And Indicators Of National Economic Performance
Paper 2 的重点内容,熟悉理解各个概念对自己Paper 2 的得分是重要保证。 重要知识点:Economic Growth – In the short run, an increase in real GDP, and in the long run, an increase in productive capacity, that is, in the maximum output that the economy can produce Inflation Rate - The percentage increase in the price level over a period of time
真题演练:(a) Explain, with the help of a diagram(s), how changes in aggregate demand and aggregate supply can cause inflation in an economy.(b) Discuss whether deflation is more of a problem in an economy than inflation.(9708_s19_qp_21)
8. Methods of Protection
随着各种贸易保护主义的国际热点问题频发,该考点有可能会成为热门考频。Protectionism - The protection of domestic industries from foreign competition.Tariffs / Custom Duties / Import Duties:· These are taxes on imported products. They can be imposed with the intention of raising revenue and/or discouraging domestic consumers from buying imported goods. Quotas: · Limit supply of a good or service (This can imports or exports). Quotas on exports are more rare but they can happen e.g. A developing country may seek to limit the export of food during a period of food shortage真题演练: (b)The US President threatened to increase protectionism of the US economy. Explain, using a diagram, how one of the methods of protection mentioned in the article can work (9708_s19_qp_21) 好啦,童鞋们,本期划重点就到这里。以上是8大考点,一定要准备到位,才能胸有成竹的拿下A!如果想要获取答案加大队长微信领取本期全部答案⤵️
教授科目:A- Level 经济学, AP微观经济学,AP宏观经济学,AP物理
教学简介:课堂逻辑性强,擅长于学生互动,引发学生主动学习的热情。有全英教学经验,本科期间曾担任学校 Undergraduate tutor(本科学生学业辅导)职位。六年美国学习生活工作经验。专业内学科知识储备丰富。