糟糕的服务多多少少在生活中大家都遇到过,但如果要描述细节可能一时间还是要仔细琢磨一下。今天我们就一起通过雅思part2 的话题来看看,那些年体验过的糟糕服务都能怎么说吧。Describe a time when you received horrible service from a shop or a restaurant.
You should say:
When it happened
What happened
Who you were with
And explain how you felt about it
可能是长时间不来服务,一直晾着我们 (it takes us ages to actually get served)。当然也有可能是我们的需求被无视掉 (ignore our requests)。最最让人不满的,其实是那些傲慢的(arrogant)店员,尤其是那些奢侈品品牌(luxury brands)的柜姐 (sales assistant),一个个看起来仿佛都是自大无比 (seem to have his/her nose in the air),并且经常以貌取人(judge people by their appearances)。
如果是购买了某种商品,极大可能因为这个商品本身的质量(quality)而产生不愉快的消费体验,但在描述的时候不可以只泛泛而谈。最经常被吐槽的就是淘宝商品(some stuff you got online)比如某多多。这时候你可以吐槽这个商品的耐用性(endurance), 买家秀和卖家秀不符(doesn’t look like/function as what’s been advertised online at all)。
更经常被吐槽的还有食物质量,比如食材不新鲜,比如有一次我就亲身经历了因为肉质不新鲜导致的腹泻(the meat seemed to go off and this got me a serious diarrhea),
还有可能收到的东西分量不足 (get less portion than what I’ve paid for)。
可能是就餐的餐具(utensils)不干净,有清洁问题(hygiene problem),
或者地面或桌面非常不干净(the floor is stained with oily stuff),让人感觉很反胃(gross)。
有时候一些街边小店(dinner),甚至你可以看到一点都不可爱的蟑螂爬来爬去(cockroaches crawl everywhere)。
下面分享一个我自己前段时间的亲身经历When it happened/who you went with:If my memory serves me right(如果我记得准的话), it was on the last national holiday that I finally got some day-offs. I decided to take my mom to a newly opened fancy restaurant (高级餐厅) which featured Chinese northeastern cuisine(菜). Before we went there, we checked out the ranking of this place and got reassured by its popularity(这个餐厅的受欢迎程度让我们对这个餐厅感到安心).What happened:At first, we were amazed by its delicate(精致的) decoration style which actually got a touch of simplicity(简洁). The ushers were all suited up(西装革履), wearing bright smiles to try their best to make you feel at home(自如). After finishing ordering a few highly recommended dishes(高评价的菜品), we felt, yes, everything was just right! However, when the dishes were presented, it’s totally a different story(完全不同). The pork ribs we got just smelled a little bit funny(闻着味道不对); while the waiter comforted us, saying it’s just the beauty of the exquisite cooking style(精致的烹饪风格) and suggesting us to just get used to it. Another signature fish dish (特色的鱼类菜品)we ordered was basically tasteless(无味). In the end, as we were almost stuffed with food (吃撑了)and were ready to get the check(拿账单付款), the last dish was finally delivered to us(上菜).How you felt about it:Generally speaking, I got furious (盛怒)afterwards as this extremely unpleasant dining experience put my mom and I through a bad diarrhea(经历严重腹泻). We both thought it was the pork dish to be blame (…该被责难)as the funny smell must come from the meat itself instead of the cooking style. Thinking of this, I went on to Dazhongdianpin, which is like yelp where foodies (吃货)can leave their authentic dining feelings(真实的用餐体验). Soon I found the account of this restaurant and left a very negative comment, complaining its terrible food quality. To my astonishment(震惊), I found quite a few customers who shared my experience. I guess this dinner is doomed(完蛋了).
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