

2016-01-26 10:41




  1、Do you agree or disagree that parents should not express their disagreement to the teacher if parents find the teaching method is not right?


  <1>立场:From my standpoint, it’s not a good choice for parents to show their disagreement to teachers if they find the teaching method is wrong. This is because parents’ judgment could easily be affected by their love for kids and lack of professional knowledge.

  <2>分论点一:On the one hand, parents’ love for kids could possibly blind themselves and lead them to make excuses for their kids by blaming teachers’ methods. (进一步解释:As we all know, most of the children in current China are the only child in their families. In this case, not only will their parents have a high expectation for them, but also will try their best to protect them.) (举例子:以批评老师作业过多的方式来掩饰孩子的懒惰)

  <3>分论点二:On the other hand, there is a chance that parents might misunderstand teachers just because of their lack of expertise on teaching.(进一步解释:It’s generally acknowledged that the main reason why most parents send their kids to training school is that they are not educated enough. In other words, they have no idea about how to help their children with study. But sometimes, parents’ lack of professional knowledge, coupled with worry, is likely to mistake teachers’ efforts.) (举例子:在学习托福考试技巧之前,学员需要一个相对漫长的培养语言能力的过程-积累词汇/语法知识,但是很多不了解的家长觉得这没有必要,甚至认为这是在恶意浪费学生时间和金钱)

  <4>重申立场 + 总结分论点

  2、Some students prefer to have their final grades determined by numerous small assignments, whereas others prefer to have their final grades determined by only a few large ones. Which do you prefer and why?


  <1>立场:As far as I’m concerned, it’s better to have students’ final grades decided by various small assignment, since it’s a win-win choice for both students and schools.

  <2>分论点一:Firstly, it allows teachers to harness those tasks to help students form a good study habit that students’ final grades are measured by various small assignments. (进一步解释:As is common sense, it is the grade in the school that decides whether students can graduate or not. In this case, almost all students are trying really hard to prepare for all kinds of assignments like presentations, tests or examinations. If the school chooses to determine students’ final grades by lots of small requirements, they’d keep studying all the semester around instead of just reviewing for several days before the deadline. As a result, students could develop a good study habit.)(举例子:国内高中学习阶段的强化考试有利于养成好的学习习惯以及出分)(段内对比:但是,考试少导致国内大学的现状是 —— 学期末临时抱佛脚,毕业后无专业能力、无学习能力)

  <3>分论点二:Secondly, having students’ final grades determined by many small tasks conduces to enhancing the school’s quality of education. (进一步解释:We cannot deny that people are inclined to work harder when they are under more pressure. In other words, if school announces that they’re going to decide students’ final grades by many small assignments, teachers have to devote more to teaching in order to help students gain an ideal academic performance. Under such a circumstance, teachers would perfect their teaching skills by all means, thus making great contribution to ameliorating the educational quality of the school.)(举例子:正是大量考试让国内学生在高中阶段就掌握了大量复杂的数学知识,从而使得他们在一些含金量高的国际考试-SAT数学-中轻易取得高分)(段内对比:国内大学考试少,很多老师都忙着挣外快,大学教育质量普遍低下,大学生就业率不理想)

  <4>重申立场 + 总结分论点

  3、Do you agree or disagree with the statement: Governments have done enough to educate the people the importance of a balanced lifestyle and healthy eating.

  <1>立场:In my opinion, governments haven’t done good enough to educate the significance of a balanced lifestyle and a healthy eating habit to the public, since students are facing too much pressure from study and it’s common to find illegal ingredients in many restaurants.

  <2>分论点一:At first, the busy school schedule causes tons of stress to current students. (进一步解释:It’s undeniable that students’ school work or assignments are quite imperative for their future graduation and career. Nevertheless, our government’s extreme focus on educational quality has already made students’ life unbearable.) (举例子:各种作业、各种没时间睡觉、各种体弱生病)

  <3>分论点二:In addition, the lack of supervision from the government allows some restaurant owners to use illegal ingredients in their products.(进一步解释:As we all know, some business men, in order to maximize their profits, would choose to break the law by applying some ingredients which are much cheaper but can damage people’s health. ) (举例子:地沟油事件“gutter oil”, which is a kind of illegal cooking oil extracted from leftovers)

  <4>重申立场 + 总结分论点

  4、A/D: The best way to improve quality of education is to increase the teachers’ salary.


  <1>立场:From my point of view, increasing teachers’ salary is the best way to perfect the quality of education, since current teachers would be more motivated and more talented teachers could be attracted.

  <2>分论点一:At first, the increasing salary would stimulate current teachers to devote more to teaching. (进一步解释:As is common sense, people are born to be concerned with their very own interests. In this case, it’s not surprising to observe that a higher salary would promote teachers’ passion. So, they’ll try to spend more time improving their teaching skills by all means, which in turn is beneficial for students’ academic performance. That’s to say, the quality of education could get enhanced.)(举例子:数据证明每提高多少工资,老师每天花在教学上的时间会相应增加多少,然后学生的学期平均分数会增加多少)

  <3>分论点二:Moreover, a higher salary could possibly attract more talents to get involved in the field of education. (进一步解释:There is no doubt that teachers play an essential role on education. So, it’s not uncommon to say that improving the competence of faculties conduces a lot to ameliorating a nation’s educational quality. If the school chooses to raise their salary for teachers, more competent talents would be attracted and then make full use of their wits to improve the comprehensive teaching quality. As a result, students could enjoy better teaching resources to achieve more.)(举例子:村里初中以前老师都是当地的老教师,且一个老师带好几门课,结果不言而喻。但是自从某年获得财政拨款提高教师薪资后,很多城市地区甚至外省的优秀年轻教师来到这里,添加活力和新鲜有效的教学方式,最后高中入取率暴增)

  <4>重申立场 + 总结分论点

  5、A/D: The most important investment that can be made to the education of children aged four to seven is giving them a computer

  6、A/D: The best way to improve quality of education is to increase the teachers’ salaries.

  7、Most parents sometimes find disapproval of the ways teachers are teaching their children. It's not suggested for the parents to express their disapproval to the teachers. Do you agree or disagree?

  8、During the times of economic crisis, which of the following should the government spend less money on?


  ②Health Care

  ③Support for unemployed

  9、A high school has decided that all students must take a class in which they learn a practical skill. School administrators are trying to decide whether to hold a class in cooking, managing personal finances or auto repair. Which do you think the school should require students to take? Why?

  10、Some people feel more satisfied living in cities than in villages, some people think the other side, What do you think about it?

  11、It is difficult for teachers to let student love them and to let them study hard, what do you think about it?

  12、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to relax by watching a movie or reading a book than by doing physical exercises

  13、Topic: Some people are more content with the life in the big city, while others think that they will be more satisfied to live in the village small towns instead.

  14、Do you agree or disagree It is difficult for teachers to be both popular (students like them) and effective helping students in learning?

  15、What is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of environmental problems?

  ①fund researches on new energy sources such as solar and wind power;

  ②protect forests and natural wildlife species.

  ③pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution

  16、Some people think that giving students time during a class to discuss ideas with each other is a good way to help students learn; others think giving students time for discussion is ineffective or a waste of time. Which idea do you agree, and why?

  17、Is it as important for older people to study or learn new things as it is for younger people?

  18、If a city has given the money to investment, which options do you prefer listed in the following:

  ①Build a public garden to provide quiet environment to benefit all;

  ②Built a sports field for students in high school which doesn't have its own.

  19、When choosing a place for living, which factor is the most important one for you? 1. Living in an area not expensive, 2. Living close to relatives 3. Living in an area with many shops and restaurants.

  20、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

  21、All schoolteachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.

  22、Some people think that it’s an important part of a child’s education to go on field trip (e.g. museums), others think a child’s time is better spent learning in a classroom at school. Which do you prefer?

  23、Workers would be more satisfied if they have various kinds of work to do during workday instead of doing the same job all day long.

  24、Students should take many classes or just three to four classes in one semester.

  25、Agree or disagree: Athletes and entertainers can be good politicians

  26、People should spend more time on communicating by technologies such as social media or text messages

  27、Do you agree or disagree: In the past, people were more interested in improving their neighborhood than they do now.

  28、Do you agree or disagree with the following statement� The government is not educating people enough about the importance of living a balanced and healthy life style.









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