2015-01-21 16:17 作者:济南新东方国外考试部赵波 来源:新东方网 字号:T|T
托友们拿到机经题目后,会遇到一个困惑,那就是,机经题数目众多,每道题目一一分析,会发现分析角度和思路各异,不仅耗时很长,而且效果往往并不好,所以如何能高效的使用机经也成为众多托友们的非常关注的一点。俗话说,授之以鱼不如授之以渔,笔者在本文中,就对1月份考试预测机经,进行了思路汇总,发现常见的两种题型:A和B比较的题目与A or B 二选一的题目,实际上可以运用同一种思路进行分析,下面通过两道精选出来的机经题目,为各位考友解释。具体分析如下:
1. Society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders.
读过此题之后,会发现这是一道A B的题目,针对这种题目,笔者建议使用:先部分同意,在转折,最后递进的结构来进行写作。结合题目来说就是,先说 “社会能从艺术家的作品中获益,因为艺术作品可以让人们放松,提高全民的审美和修养”,然后再说“社会能够受益于政治领导人,因为他们的决策会可以为人们营造健康的生存环境,提高人们的生活质量,”最后递进“到底艺术家还是领导人对社会影响大,取决于社会的安定程度。”这种结构的好处就在于,我们只需要在A和B两个面分别想一个理由即可,这样就降低了考生的思维难度,节省了时间。
让步段:“社会能从艺术家的作品中获益,因为艺术作品可以让人们放松,提高全民的审美和修养”(Admittedly, society will benefit from the works of great artists, in that the artistic work will make us feel relaxed and improve the public aesthetic view and quality. As we know, the classical works of artists is the crystallization of their wisdom, which will enlighten the public. Take Jane Austen’s famous novels as an example. )
转折段:“社会能够受益于政治领导人,因为他们的决策会可以为人们营造健康的生存环境,提高人们的生活质量,”(However, people will gain many benefits from the political leaders, since the policies they made will create a healthy environment and thus improve the public quality of life. It is self-evident that what leaders decides to do will exert an enormous impact on every one’s life. The implementation of Nine Year Compulsory Education Policy is a good case in point. )
递进段:“到底艺术家还是领导人对社会影响大,取决于社会的发展程度。”(Judging from what has been discussed above, I can hardly agree that society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders. From my perspective, it depends on the development of a society whether artistic works bring more benefits than political leaders. To be specific, in a well-developed and stable society, the works of artist will definitely plays a greater role in people’ life, because they have more free time to appreciate these works. By contrast, as for people living in a underdeveloped and turbulent society, the policies of political leaders more benefit the society )
2. Some people have ambitious dreams and keep following them, but other people always focus on realistic goals and try to achieve them. Which do you think is better?
让步段:有远大理想是挺好的,因为可以不断激励自己进步,开发一个人的潜力,取得更大的成功(There is no doubt that having an ambitious dream is beneficial for the sake of exploiting people’s potential capabilities and achieving a greater success. As is known to all, the higher one’s goal is, the greater his motivation will become. Take Ma Yun as an example)
转折段:有现实的理想也挺好,因为有助于增强自信,不会有太大压力,有助于身心健康(However, it is indisputable that a realistic dream is also a good choice, because we can build up self-confidence as well as endure less pressure. No one can deny that high pressure is a serious threat to our psychological and physical health.)
递进段:到底现实理想和远大理想哪个更好呢,取决于年龄和性格(In the final analysis, I can hardly agree that ambitious dreams are much better than realistic dreams. In my viewpoint, it depends on the personality and age of people which is better, realistic or ambitious ones. To be specific, as for conservative and old people, realistic goals is a better option, because they can gain confidence. On the contrary, the ambitious dreams are much better for adventurous and young people, because they want to challenge themselves and are eager for greater achievements. )
赵波,济南新东方托福写作名师,英语语言学硕士,七年专业英语学习,深谙中英文思维和表达差异,了解中国学生在写作中存在的问题。英语专业八级,高分托福成绩, 阅读30分。热爱英语教学,授课风格儒雅温和又不失幽默,亲和力强,让学生能够快乐学习,轻松跨越考试。
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